Intelligent automation.

Intentional design.

Web design, CRM automation, and tech consulting for your small business.

Your technology expert.

MarkedUp is an independent tech consultant, partnering with small businesses to make tangible improvements to their digital experience. We help teams reduce costs and increase customer acquisition through user-centered design and business process automation.

“Clear content, simple navigation, and answers to customer questions have the biggest impact on business value.”

Jakob Nielsen

Core services

We operate on a productized service model, offering a consistent and repeatable set of solutions for a variety of client needs. Our consulting, design, and development work generally fits one of these fixed-cost templates:

Customer experience design

In today’s marketplace your presence on the web is the first impression you make to a vast majority of potential customers. MarkedUp helps you make informed and thoughtful design decisions backed by quantitative data about the goals and behavior of your site’s visitors. We can help by analyzing real visitor behavior to increase conversions, optimize information architecture, and improve your content strategy.

Tech consulting & automation

Modern businesses are using more and more software to keep things running. From CRMs to billing and invoicing system, it seems there’s a different tool for every piece of your business. MarkedUp empowers you to seamlessly connect these tools and processes through automation, process analysis, and custom integration development.

Not sure which is right for you?

We understand that each business is unique, and not every project can fit into our core service model. MarkedUp also offers hourly consultation at competitive rates, starting at $75/hr. Let’s discuss your project, book an appointment today!